Ivo Crepaldi

Born in Bolzano (Italy) on May 6th 1976 he begins the study of the violin at the Academy of Music“Claudio Monteverdi” in Bolzano with Prof. Francesco Turra (vocal leader of the second violins of the “Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento”). He continues his studies at the Academy of Music ”F.A. Bonporti of Trento” with Prof. Alberto Martini. He reaches his diploma in Summer 1999 with the final grade of 9,5/10 points. In the same year he has several performances as soloist, presenting e.g. Mozart A Dur concert Kv. 219 and Bach’s 5th Brandenburg Concert.

In 1998 he is acting in Milan with the “Orchestra dei Pomeriggi Musicali”. In 1999 he passes the entrance examination for the International Academy of Music of Novara (Italy). He specializes his violin under Prof. Maja Yokanovich (Prof. from the University of Belgrad). In 2000 he is joint founder of the “Ludus” string quartet as first violin.

In 2001 he passes the trial play at the Orchestra of the “Toscanini foundation of Parma” for the “Mythos” Postgraduate Study with specialization in Solo- and Orchestra performance. This study is awarded the EU recognition. He finishes the studies in October 2003 with excellent results. Within this study he improves his skills with Eugene Sarbu, a distinguished soloist and winner of the “Paganini” award in 1978.

In 2002 at the Academy of Music of Bolzano he specializes in string quartet with Prof. Andrea Repetto(Viola of the “Quartetto di Torino”) and with Prof. Milan Skampa, Prof. McGuire and Prof. Andrea Nannoni. Subsequently he is accepted together with his string quartet at the International Academy of Music of Fiesole (Florence, Italy) at Prof. Nannoni and especially at Prof. Piero Farulli (Viola of the “Quartetto Italiano”).

Within this Music school in 2003/2004 he takes also lessons under Giulio Franzetti. In June 2004 he participates at the trial play of the ensemble “Accademia I Filarmonici” of Verona (Italy) and reaches as the only one the acceptance. He works continuously with several orchestras, e.g the “Haydn” orchestra, the “Orchestra dei Pomeriggi Musicali” of Milan, the “Toscanini” orchestra of Parma, and also string ensembles like the “Accademia I Filarmonici” of Verona, the “Ensemble Zandonai” of Trento and the “Conductus” of Merano.

He is working as Teacher at the School of Music in Silandro (Italy). He keeps on playing as first violin at the Ludus Quartett. He improves his skills continuously under Prof. Eugene Sarbu and Prof. Stefano Paganini.